Re: The last while
Posted by Moonless Nights
Reply to: The last while (Posted by Posted by genesis36)
Re: The last while
Good to hear that you are doing some things to keep busy, at least. I feel like my own world is in a similar "waiting for something to happen while we all get older" sort of state.

By the way, I found the bug which was causing those Chromium issues you were having, in Cacophony. It wasn't just a cache problem, as I had originally suspected, but a problem in how I was responding to a WebSocket request. This explains why it stopped working in more recent versions, once more of the UI was cut-over to that mechanism.

This is fixed in the 4.1-pre2 release. So far, it seems otherwise fine. I will let you know if I see any problems with it in case you wanted to try the update. There are some other UI and performance improvements, as well (although the performance is mostly when synchronizing someone for the first time).

I hope that today went well.