Seven Nights Ghost
Posted by Moonless Nights
Seven Nights Ghost
I was watching some VODs related to Seven Nights Ghost. This game doesn't look very interesting/fun (but well made and a story well told) but it ended in an odd way.

In the end, it comes down to a connection between people because of shared ownership of a cat they both loved, who recently died.

Surprisingly, this had a big impact on me. For the first time in a long time, I was able to cry. It reminded me so much of the Ash cat and how I had mourned his passing yet never really recovered from it. Of course, one never really recovers from such a loss. They just get used to being without their companion. I suppose, in that way, my reaction isn't too unusual.

It has been almost 2.5 years since he died and I still miss him. More and more, I come to realize that the best of me died with him.

Hug your kitties, everyone. They are the best part of life,