Posted by Moonless Nights
Went to see this movie, today. It was very good. As others have said, it is less about World War 2 and more about Oppenheimer's life, more generally.

Fascinating and tragic tale. Apparently, it is unusually historically accurate, too (important when compared to that movie about Turing which was only slightly accurate).

One of the interesting things I remember thinking/feeling afterwards was how interesting it is that there are people who are not simple, who don't follow simple rules, and who are still important and honoured.

In our modern age of centralized authorities, a growing disdain for deviations from expected beliefs/behaviours, and the general celebration of mediocrity born from our society giving up on solving hard problems, this was refreshing.

I only wish I knew of someone, today, who would be as revered by history. It would make the world seem so much more real and relevant,