Holiday toys
Posted by Moonless Nights
Holiday toys
The holidays were generally pretty straight-forward and went well. Got to see my Mom and some cousins on one day while getting to see my Dad and step-sister the other day (not to mention his cats). Aside from a lot of travelling back and forth between Toronto and Hamilton, it went pretty smoothly.

It is always nice to get out to see people, given that I so rarely do, these days.

My Dad also got me an interesting little toy to play with: It is an ESP32 device with a small e-ink display. I got it basically up and running on the Arduino IDE last night but I will need to track down the more detailed library for the display to do some more interesting things. He also got me some sort of low-power radio antenna for it so I will need to see what I can do to start listening on that LoRa frequency range to see if there is much going on.

Now, back to getting this initial UI integration point completed for October Project (when I manage to muster the motivation).
