Uggh, so tired
Posted by Moonless Nights
Uggh, so tired
I am not sure how much of this is the time of year (I remember the beginning of autumn usually being a time of year when I feel extra tired), the lack of mental engagement (this WebRTC stuff will be useful but it is SO boring to poke at and only slightly interesting to understand), or just general age ("spring chicken" is always getting further away).

Whatever it is, I find that I have been completely exhausted, for the afternoons of the past several days, and even have a hard time motivating myself to do much of anything (again, the task on top of the stack might be partially to blame).

It is odd: In late morning, I seemed focused enough to come up with a plan. By the time I got back from my grocery run, in the early afternoon, I couldn't make myself do much of anything. Usually by night, I am able to get motivated and focused, though. So, this seems like most days, just with a lower average of energy.

At least this week is a little warmer than it should be, making errands easier to look forward to.
