Difficulty in smiling
Posted by Moonless Nights
Difficulty in smiling
About a week ago, I was reminded of a bizarre problem I have while out wandering around: I can't smile.

I walked past some woman in the park and she kindly smiled at me as she walked past. I couldn't do anything in response but look away blankly.

For some reason, I have this idea that making eye contact with someone will upset them. Combine this with the unpleasant "resting bitch face" look I always have and avoiding eye contact probably is for the best.

I am not sure why I can't smile in a mostly-natural way, on cue. This has always been an issue but I don't always think of it so directly.

For whatever reason, I seem to only have 2 facial expressions: The aforementioned "resting bitch face" and "drunk".

I miss talking to people, since I suspect that I more naturally emote. Well, that and all the more interesting reasons why I miss talking to people,