Minor Illness
Posted by Moonless Nights
Minor Illness
I seem to have been dealing with a minor cold for the past few days. I really hoped it would be over by today, since I had some important plans, but I woke up with a bit of the sore throat but also now a sinus headache with sneezing and a runny nose. This seems to imply that I am still dealing with something and likely contagious so I guess today is another day of isolation while trying to muddle through this frustrating generalized movement consensus issue.

I suspect that this year will be pretty rough as the lack of purpose and growing animosity of the culture are making it clear that I shouldn't be here and probably never should have been.

I guess it shows that I really needed to get out, tonight... so much for that. The madness shall grow (not like I was of any value to the outside world, anyway - my loss is their gain).

Here's hoping that I am at least back to normal, tomorrow.
