Re: Armchair Activists
Posted by Moonless Nights
Reply to: Armchair Activists (Posted by Posted by genesis36)
Re: Armchair Activists
Yes, this is something which I also find so tiring about the modern age! It is to the point where it is trendy to be really opinionated about seemingly everything all while refusing to understand complexities of any area of concern or do anything to actually help with much of anything. Of course, attacking people who aren't exactly as ignorant and angry seems to be part of this (if you are doing nothing to help, the least you could do is nothing to harm).

I actually think that this has made people less willing to be actually helpful in situations where they can (those fingers are too busy typing vitriol to be lifted in assistance). Beyond that, it has become a great way to manipulate them since companies and political organizations can tap into their ignorance and rage to point them at targets or draw attention to things all while knowing that there is no cost to betraying these people or sacrificing them later since you know that they will never do anything about it (look at what is happening here - they feel so strongly about this that sitting home to do literally nothing is their "protest").

That sentiment about the internet somehow not making people better is something many have pointed out. My brother made that album inspired by the idea of 80s techno-optimism giving rise to modern tribalism, general nihilism, and often outright misanthropy. Unfortunately, there is no putting that genie back in the bottle, it would seem.

With each passing day, I am more relieved that I never really got sucked into the void that is social media. Even the interactions I have which are related to it are unsettling.